2015年、2016年のClaude Rouelle氏に続き、本年は世界各国の大会運営・審査を熟知しているPat Clarke氏を招聘することとなりました。Clarke氏はこれまで多くの学生フォーミュラ大会に関わり、Formula Student Germanyウェブサイトのコラムや『Learn & Compete』という日本の『自動車開発・製作ガイド』にあたるガイドの著者でもあります。
May I introduce myself?
My name is Pat Clarke, a retired engineer and educator from Sydney, Australia. I am really excited to be invited as a mentor to Student Formula Japan. It is twenty years since I was last in Japan and I am really looking forward to returning there, especially for my great interest, Formula Student.
I first attended a FS event in the USA in 1994 and first worked as a Design Judge, recruited by Carroll Smith, in 1996. Since then, I have attended over 40 events as a Judge, Advisor or Organiser, making me possibly the most experienced Judge. I have attended events in the USA, Russia, Germany, UK, Austria, Hungary, India, Italy and, of course, Australia, where I started the Formula SAE-A event in 2000.
My interest in the event is primarily in the educational aspect. Remember, Student Formula Japan is not a motorsport event! It is an educational event with a motorsport theme. The intent is to help develop the engineering, planning and financing skills of university students by giving them a ‘Real World’ experience.
I have been a Chief Judge at many events, including twelve years at Formula Student Germany before standing down last year. At this event, I also ran a student consulting service called ‘Pat’s Corner’ after the blog I managed there at https://www.formulastudent.de/pr/news/pat/.
I also have a Facebook group ‘FSAE Advice and Support’ where there are more than 8,000 members and has some very well credentialed advisors. All SFJ members are welcome. The address is https://www.facebook.com/groups/455818784525791/.
I am very much a practical engineer and I teach that way, I recommend the ‘KISS’ (Keep It Simple and Sensible) principle in all engineering solutions. I am easy to talk with and I look forward to discussions with the Japanese team members.
I look forward to meeting you all in September.
Pat Clarke